Chris’s Story

He was the terror of his neighborhood. His family would tie him up as a discipline because he was so out of control. Chris lived in a rough neighborhood, the black tar heroin capital of Nayarit. His mother was an addict and paid little attention to him. They did not have the interest or the funds to send him to school so; he never learned to read and write One day his mother was high, Chris’s tiny, baby brother wouldn’t stop was crying. His mother couldn’t stand it and in her drug crazed state of mind she threw the baby to the ground, Chris’s brother died.

Chris was taken by Child Protective Services and placed in Nana’s House because his mother was sent to jail. It has not been easy on him but Chris is actually a sweet boy. It’s hard for us to imagine he was the terror of his neighborhood. He functions well with some structure, attention and the security of a family atmosphere. He is in school and doing well, he’s funny and interacts well with the other children.

Pray that God continues to heal his heart. We all know he has a lot to deal with and we are that safe place where he can express the hurt and hopefully find the peace only God can offer.